Here’s Why You Should Trash Your Marketing Funnel


In this video, Ashley talks about why you may want to consider throwing your marketing funnel in the trash if you are a small to midsize business owner.

If you’re wondering what a marketing funnel is and how to build a marketing funnel in your business… OR if you are ready to learn how to scale your current marketing funnel in your business, this episode is for you.

Don’t tell Russell Brunson… but it’s time to say goodbye to funnels ;) 

Watch the full video above OR listen on the Marketing Matters Podcast!

Connect with Ashley Brock

Instagram: @ads.with.ashley

YouTube: @ads.with.ashley

Join the Challenge: Find Your Leads Challenge 

Apply: Marketing Matters Mastermind for six and seven figure female entrepreneurs ready to scale


If the right person sees your post or ad, but the messaging is off, they'll keep scrolling... but if you NAIL your messaging, they'll stop in their tracks.

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Join hundreds of other female entrepreneurs just like you for a 2.5 day transformative experience where you'll learn how you can become findable, become known, and become famous for what you do.